Scheduling interface

ElastiSim exposes an interface to forward scheduling decisions during the simulation and thus allows the integration of custom scheduling policies. Following the scheduling protocol, the simulator process invokes the scheduler process periodically or at certain events. Users must provide an algorithm (function) that returns after modifying arguments passed via the interface. Each invocation of the algorithm contains the following information on the current state of the simulated scenario:

Parameter Description Value type
Time Current simulation time float (seconds)
Jobs List of all jobs submitted at the current simulation time (including finished jobs) list
Nodes List of all compute nodes of the platform list
Invocation type Type of the event triggering the invocation enum
Triggering job Job triggering the invocation (only available in non-periodic invocations) Job
Evolving requests Number of requested nodes (only available in evolving requests) int

The following additional properties are available if forward_io_information is set to true (see Configuration):

Parameter Description Value type
PFS read bandwidth Maximum available read bandwidth to the PFS float (bytes/s)
PFS write bandwidth Maximum available write bandwidth to the PFS float (bytes/s)
PFS read utilization Current utilization of the read bandwidth to the PFS float (bytes/s)
PFS write utilization Current utilization of the write bandwidth to the PFS float (bytes/s)

Job properties

In addition to all properties specified by the user (see Job), each job in the forwarded list has the following additional properties that the scheduler can use for decision-making:

Parameter Description Value type Note
ID Job ID integer Ascending order based on submission time
State Job state enum -
Start time Time at which the job started running float (seconds) -1 if job is pending
End time Time at which the job finished float (seconds) -1 if job is pending or running
Wait time Time spent in the queue before running float (seconds) -1 if job is pending
Makespan Elapsed time from start to end float (seconds) -1 if job is pending or running
Turnaround time Elapsed time from submission to end float (seconds) -1 if job is pending or running
Assigned nodes List of assigned compute nodes list -
Assigned number of GPUs per node Assigned number of GPUs per node integer -
Total phase count Total number of phases in the application (including iterations) integer Not counting on initialization, on reconfiguration, or on expansion phases
Completed phases Number of completed phases (including iterations) integer -

Job states

State Description
PENDING Waiting in the queue
PENDING_RECONFIGURATION Running and a pending reconfiguration at the next scheduling point
IN_RECONFIGURATION Executing the on reconfiguration phase
COMPLETED Job completed gracefully
KILLED Job killed by either exceeding the specified walltime or the scheduler directly

Node properties

The following compute node properties are available to the scheduler with each invocation:

Parameter Description Value type Note
ID Compute node ID integer Ascending order based on the lexicographically sorted list of SimGrid host names
Type Compute node type enum -
State Compute node state enum -
Assigned jobs List of assigned jobs list Number of assigned jobs can be greater than one if oversubscription is enabled
GPUs List of GPUs on the compute node list -

Node types

Type Description
COMPUTE_NODE Compute node without any burst buffer
COMPUTE_NODE_WITH_BB Compute node with burst buffers accessed exclusively
COMPUTE_NODE_WITH_WIDE_STRIPED_BB Compute node with wide-striped burst buffers

Node states

State Description
FREE No jobs running on the compute node
ALLOCATED At least one active job running on the compute node
RESERVED No jobs running but expecting a job expanding on the compute node



Parameter Description Value type Note
State GPU state enum -


State Description
FREE GPU unused

Scheduling operations

Custom schedulers can apply the following operations on jobs:

Operation Arguments Description
Assign node node or list of nodes Assigns the specified node(s) to the job
Remove node node or list of nodes Removes the specified node(s) from the job
Assign number of GPUs per node integer Assigns the number of GPUs per node to use
Kill none Instructs the batch system to kill the job with immediate effect
Update runtime argument Key-value pair Updates (or initially assign) a runtime argument

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